Auto repair shop loan market status
If you are the mechanic owner of a car repair shop, you must know that this type of real estate financing loan is difficult to qualify. Banks and commercial lenders have approved up to 90% of the total commercial loans based on the approval of such loans, mainly for environmental reasons. Especially real estate loans with underground oil storage tanks are a special problem for most lenders. We have professional loan banks that can complete such loans.
What pollutants does a auto repair shop emit?
Pollutants emitted by automobile repair shops include harmful air pollutants (HAP), particulate matter pollution (dust) and volatile organic compounds (VOC). These contaminants can cause health problems and can affect store employees, customers and communities. Although federal, state, local, and tribal regulations restrict emissions from auto repair shops, if auto repair shops fail to comply with the regulations, dangerous HAPs may be released.
Paints, cleaners and paint strippers will release some HAP and VOC. The chemicals in these substances can also react in the air to form ground ozone (smoke), which is related to a variety of respiration. EPA has developed a website on terrestrial ozone.
Lead, chromium and cadmium are metals, which can form particulate contamination during grinding and welding. EPA's "Air Toxic Health Impact Notebook" provides more information about lead, chromium and cadmium.
Contamination of respiratory particles can cause respiratory problems and other harmful health effects. EPA has established a website on particulate pollution.
Diisocyanate is a harmful air pollutant emitted during the painting process. These compounds are the main cause of occupational asthma.
For more information on the toxicity of these pollutants, please review the information on the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS). EPA also provides more information on its Air Toxics website.
We, Essencap, have specialized bank and lenders that can complete loan projects aimed at environmental pollution such as car repair shops and gas stations.
For more information,,, or 917-355-1771